Friday, February 8, 2013

Black and White

Don't you wish everything in life was as clear as black and white?  It would be nice to have a clear answer to all of life's issues, but too many situations leave a lot of gray area to be interpreted.  I'll even take the analogy a step further...with everything going on in our lives these days, I say we all live full-color lives.  When we consider balancing God, family, career, social life, housework, etc, there are many things pulling us in many different directions.  It makes it difficult to focus on one issue at a time, let alone the gray area within each individual issue.

Case in point:  We posted the January update to the Emry Board, and in that post Whitney tried to deliver a big message to everyone.  We anticipated no one would notice her message amongst all the color and distractions in the pictures.  We've posted the exact same pictures below, and helped simplify her message by pulling out the color and focusing on the issue at hand...    

Did you see the message this time?  Go back and check the Emry Board again.  You'll discover that the message was hidden there in the chaos of color the whole time!

Yes, its true...Whitney is going to be a big sister!  We are so thankful God has blessed us with the gift of life once again.  It looks like he's adding even more colors to our already-vibrant lives!

1 comment:

  1. That was very deep, Whit;) I did notice the sister blocks, but not any of the other ones haha. Congrats- so excited for you guys!
