Thursday, January 31, 2013

mePhones revisited

So I was listening the SVP & Russillo on ESPN radio this week and they were talking about the Ray Lewis scandal.  If you're going to listen to sports talk radio, SVP & Russillo is the show to listen to.  These guys aren't scripted and predictable like Mike & Mike, they don't try to grab ratings with outrageous opinions like Colin Cowherd.  They are witty, down to earth, give honest opinions and give a very real and interesting perspective on the sports headlines each day.

But back to Ray Lewis..apparently he is being accused of using some type of deer-antler spray to help him recover from a torn triceps injury this year.  Apparently deer-antler spray is on the banned substance list of the NFL.

Scott and Ryen were talking about how ridiculous this story sounds and posed the question, "If someone from 1950 got into a time machine and came to present day society, what would surprise them the most?"

Obviously they were going from the angle that this story sounds so off-the-wall it is almost unbelievable.  They were also talking about it from the angle of what crazy things people are willing to do their bodies to get them to look a certain way or be able to perform at a certain level.  They related it to other recent sports headline like the outrageous Manti Te'o story and Lance Armstrong's admission of doping. 

One email they read from a listener struck a chord with me.  I don't have the exact quote, but it went something like...

If someone from 1950 arrived in a time machine in 2013, they would be most surprised that everyone is walking around with a device in their pocket that gives them access to information about anything that anyone would ever want to know.  The device itself wouldn't surprise the person, but the fact that our main uses of that device are to watch videos of cats falling off tables and to make fun of people in a public setting(twitter).

It dawned on me why mePhones bother me so much...there isn't anything else in the world that is a bigger waste of potential and resources.

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