Thursday, March 15, 2012

March Madness

With twice as many bathtimes, diaper changings and clothes to change, there has definitely been some craziness around the Smith house lately. When you add to that the nursing sessions every 2-3 hours and several sleepless nights(example - look at the time of this posting), these first couple weeks of March could sometimes be described as "madness."  To avoid a lawsuit by the NCAA, my attorney says I need to mention that the title of this post is in no way referring to, attempting to advertise or profit from any basketball tournament in any way, shape or form. froggyposs

Luckily, we are truly blessed to have wonderful people around us who have helped us along the way.  We just want to thank everyone for their generous gifts and helping us adjust to having two kids.  In addition to all the gifts of clothes, diapers, toys and books for Whit & Em, we have been overwhelmed by the gifts we've received in the form of dinners, babysitting, house cleaning, groceries, support and encouragement.

This is not a knock on Maren's cooking, but I haven't eaten so well in years!  We've had people bring us everything from homemade stew and lasagna, to enchiladas and taco salad, to rotisserie chicken and grlled chicken, to BBQ chicken pizza get the idea.  I could go on and on about the delicious desserts and other tasty treats people have provided, but I don't want to turn this into a food review are all amazing chefs!

We've even had Lent-friendly meals brought to us each Friday in the form of fish tacos, salmon patties and shrimp jambalaya!  Ironically(?), these Friday meals have all been delivered by friends who happen to be non-Catholic.  Everyone has been so thoughtful and willing to put our needs in front of their own, which we greatly appreciate.  We owe a great debt of gratitude to everyone and can't say "thank you" enough! 

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