Sunday, March 18, 2012

Froggyposs Fail

What does this mean?  I don't get it.  Is it an inside joke?  I think Ken is losing it.

These are some reactions you may have had if you read my last post and noticed the random word "froggyposs." Someone asked me why I used the word "froggyposs" and what it meant.

It was obviously a mistake, but in my defense I was rocking a baby to sleep in one arm and typing with the other - at 2 in the morning.  Instead of deleting it outright, I went back and edited it with a strikethrough.  I didn't want to hide my mistake, but instead wanted to let you see where I used it and in what context.

I won't reveal its meaning just yet, but will open the floor for anyone to guess what I may have been doing, thinking or trying to say.  For now, click on the link at the end of this sentence to enjoy a compilation of other "fails" from February 2012.  At around 1:08 of the video, you can see the Indiana Pacers mascot failing a halftime show at a local high school basketball game!

I will let you know that the real meaning of "froggyposs" isn't very exciting...but who knows, maybe it will catch on and become "a thing."  Anyone who wants to take a stab at its meaning, please leave a comment...

1 comment:

  1. I saw it and thought it was something I wasn't cool enough to know, so I just didn't say anything. I actually meant to google it later, but never did. I just assumed Ken was more hip than me. It sounds like a group of amphibian home boys.
