Wednesday, October 17, 2012

30 for 30

Surprise!  Thanks to everyone who had a hand in helping Maren throw a surprise party for my 30th birthday.  I was definitely caught off-guard!  While seeing so many friends and family at the party to celebrate my birthday was flattering, the coolest surprise was the packet of letters everyone gave me for my birthday.  During the party, Maren gave me a packet of 30 envelopes tied together with a red ribbon.  She had asked everyone to share a memory or story from the past 30 years that comes to mind when they think about me. 

When we got home from the party I laid down for bed and intended to read one or two of the letters.  I have to say that the responses were amazing!  They were really well written, thoughtful and brought back a lot of great memories.  Some of them were really touching and almost brought me to tears(I had been cutting some onions for a lasagna right before I read them).  Others told some funny stories and made me laugh out loud.  The funniest ones made fun of me for the many stupid things I've done over the years, and had me laughing so hard I almost cried(onions again.)

Many times I would say to myself "this is the last one I'll read tonight."  But it would be so good, that I'd have to pickup another one.  After awhile Maren actually made me go out into the living room to read them so she could fall asleep.  When all was said and done I ended up reading through all the letters before I fell asleep that night.

Since (I ASS-U-ME) most of the people who read this blog are just friends and family, I just wanted use this medium to say thanks so much for all the thoughts and great memories you shared with me for the past 30 years.  You are all great writers!  Next time you can't think of a gift to get someone for a certain occasion, you should simply write them a letter.  Writing a letter adds a personal touch that a material gift cannot grasp.  It was honestly the best gift I received.  Thanks again!

1 comment:

  1. I hope we can share some of those memories one night around a campfire...I just loved listening to some of the ones people said they put in their letters to you!!!
