Sunday, September 18, 2011

Warrior Dash

Sometimes you've got to run for fun!  Maren and I went down to Nashville, TN with some friends from Sanctum Gym to compete in the Warrior Dash.  It is a 5k run with about a dozen obstacles along the route.  Lucky for you, I carried my camera on the run to capture the fun!  Here's the group before the race...

Maren's doctor(and some concerned family members) weren't exactly excited that she was doing this while she was 3 1/2 months  pregnant.  She was a little nervous too.  Here we are getting ready for the start. The tension is mounting....

Look at Maren high-step through the tires!

I wonder how they got these beat up cars into the middle of the woods???

Maren was warned by her doctor not to do anything that would require her to strain herself or use upper body strength.

But she said "Forget that!"  The view from the top was just too much for her to resist!  Maren completed all the obstacles except one.  The only reason she skipped one is because it required to to lay on she stomach to get over the top of the obstacle.

Here's her proud husband acting like a dork...

The second-to-last obstacle was a wall of fire we had to jump over.  Maren and I did some cool warrior poses when we made the leap over the flames.  Unfortunately the only picture I have of that is a photo we bought from the event photographer.  You'll have to stop by sometime to see the photo.  Its posted on our refrigerator.  The last obstacle was a huge  mud pit we had to crawl through.  I put the camera in a ziploc bag to keep it safe, and luckily it worked!  You can see the bag in my left hand below....

Here's the "after" picture of the whole crew. 

What is a Warrior Dash without a few battle scars?   I scraped my arm pretty good when I jumped into the mud pit.

The coolest part about the event is that people can donate their nasty shoes at the end of the race.  They clean the shoes and give them to needy people in poor countries.  That's a lot of dirty shoes!

It was a great event and a really fun day.  I normally prefer to run alone when I am at home.  I just enjoy the time to myself and love getting lost in my own thoughts.  But I highly recommend being active and playing together with your family and loved ones.  I believe that exercising or working out with your spouse really strengthens your relationship.  It gives you an opportunity to provide encouragement and support for each other that other everyday tasks do not.  How do you encourage your wife when you two are sitting on the couch watching TV?  See my point?  Maren and I had such a great time together.  We are planning to do more activities together going forward...but we'll have to put off anymore warrior dashes until after #2 is born!